american kestrel caught in a mist net |
Thursday Aug 18th
ruby throated hummingbird 9
least flycatcher 5
alder flycatcher 9
chestnut sided warbler 5
Tennessee warbler 5
Nashville warbler 3
common yellow throat 7
Canada warbler 2
cape may warbler 2
black and white warbler 1
mourning warbler 1
ovenbird 3
yellow rumped warbler 1
wilsons warbler 1
american redstart 18
yellow warbler 2
black throated blue warbler 1
Stacy utas and family banders can never start too early |
red breasted nuthatch
Philadelphia vireo 4
red eyed vireo 6
eastern phoebe 1 ( 4th record for station )
Lincoln sparrow 1
song sparrow 1
white throated sparrow 9
swamp sparrow 3
veery 1
swainson thrush 3
cedar waxwing 4
grey catbird 1
american kestrel 1
mourning dove 1
american goldfinch 3
total birds banded 120
total species 35
Friday August 19th
ruby throated hummingbird 9
belted kingfisher 1 ( second station record ) **********
chestnut sided warbler 10
Nashville warbler 8
Tennessee warbler 1
magnolia warbler 3
Jacob "oisseau" Lacahpelle returns to help us out and gets the season first canada warbler |
yellow warbler 1
common yellow throat 7
Canada warbler 1
black and white warbler 4
black throated blue warbler 3
northern water thrush 2
ovenbird 4
northern parula 1
bay breasted warbler 1
american redstart 4
Wilson warbler 1
Philadelphia vireo 3
red eyed vireo 13
red breasted nuthatch 2
least flycatcher 9
alder flycatcher 6
swamp sparrow 2
the ststions 4th ever phoebe last year we caught three in the same net. this is a hatching year bird suggesting in was born close to the marsh a good sign indeed |
white throated sparrow 5
purple finch 1
veery 4
swainson thrush 2
cedar waxwing 2
rose breasted grosbeak 2
sharp shinned hawk `1
120 birds
32 species
Saturday August 20th rained out
young Brodie medland well done getting the phoebe for us |
less than 2 hours of banding
ruby throated hummingbird 2
least flycatcher 4
alder flycatcher 3
black and white warbler 3
common yellow throat 1
Nashville warbler 1
red eyed vireo 1
song sparrow 1
Sidd Coll after banding her first mourning dove . Surprisingly the three we have now banded represents a station record!! southern banders will be laughing at us |
yellow bellied flycatcher a true boreal specialist |
Alex shillinglaw with his favourite bird black throated blue warbler . Keep dreaming of birds Alex |
blackburnian warbler always a treat to find one in the net |
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